Shelly PRO 4

Vil det bli lagt inn support for SHELLY PRO 4?
Jeg har behov for å styre 3-fase gulvvarme.

Siden denne ikke kommuniserer via Z-wave eller Zigbee betyr det at det må skrives en API integrasjon. Dette er tidkrevende og dette er ikke på prioriteringslisten nå for øyeblikket, dessverre.

Har dere alternativ til shelly som fungerer med futurehome. Trur det finst mange som vil ha meir styring på vvb og gulvvarme systema sine.

Det vet jeg faktisk ikke. Kanskje @espen vet om noen produkter?

As far as I know, this is how you do it:

(Swedish) Styra 3 faser eller höga laster via Z-Wave |

I have some understanding that it can be difficult to implement control of WiFi products, if you cannot integrate an external hub that controls these.
Does Shelly have such a hub?

However, I have built both a control for my sauna, and also for charging the electric car, with Zwave and contactors.
It works great in Futurehome now.
The only downside is that you have to build it yourself, so it depends on how much fun you think it is, and if you think you have the knowledge.
Due to the current world situation, the terminals were not possible to get hold of, so the installation could have been nicer. :grinning:

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