Jeg opplever VELDIG ofte at det ikke vises noen konfig under “Data Collection Settings” i Thingsplex.
Det forsvinner typisk etter jeg har gjort en endring og lagret, men det er helt random når den kommer tilbake igjen, cache, force refresh osv løser det ikke.
Er det noen som opplever det samme?
Det er utrolig frustrerende når man skal gjøre en update, men ikke får gjort det 
Samme her! Det var en oppdatering på ecollector tilgjengelig, som jeg installerte i går kveld.
Har ikke prøvd etterpå, så er usikker på om det er bedre etter oppdatering
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Dette hjalp ikke for meg, så virker som det er noe annet på ferde som ikke er løst. 
Which ecollector version do you have ? It used to be a problem after user configures incorrect parameters for remote db but it has been fixed a while ago .
Aha, I restarted ecollector in the app now and then is showed in TP. It also stated “initialized with an error”, so maybe that was the issue.
I also see now that resterting ecollector in playgrounds seems so always solve it, so good to know of that workaround.
My ecollector version is 0.8.2 and it seems like it still has the bug if configuration has issues.
Interesting, I will try to send latest changes to FH . Maybe the version you have doesn’t contain all the fixes
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Hey @alivinco , ecollector doesn’t seem to load at my end. When trying to config via TP-UI the page endlessly tries to load the app manifest.
Any known issues or bugs? I’ve tried to restart the application a couple of times.
Additionally, what’s the status on Influx v2 support?