Hi, I used to have fibaro motion sensors in pair with my heaters which worked together as a thermostat. Now I excluded Fibaro devices from Z-wave network, but they are still visible in the app. When I go to its settings and unselect to use it as main temperature sensor for the room, I get an error “Something went wrong”.
I’m not able to control heaters manually either.
How do I remove those fibaro sensors for good and get back control over the heaters? Its getting cold here
Force delete doesn’t do anything and those are not visible in Thingsplex.
You have to exclude it from the Registry-Setting-Send exlusion event. in adapter you write zwave-ad and the adress is the system adress you can find in the app ( since you have deleted it in TP)
Hei @Oleg. Det var en sync som hadde feilet - kan du sjekke nå?
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nå fungerte det, tusen takk for hjelpen!
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Hur får man denna synkronisering att fungera?
Jag har samma problem, det är en enhet som jag inte kan ta bort.
När jag trycker på “send” så händer ingenting.