Software updates

Futurehome App 7.13.8

  • Differentiation between Installer and End Customer for future customization
  • Compatibility with Nobe Connect Zigbee devices including thermostat SWT, mode switch SWS, and panel oven SPC
  • Refined signup and login processes for a smoother start to your smart home journey
  • Simplified Smarthub pairing process, ensuring seamless integration
  • Setting up your household is now more intuitive and user-friendly
  • Various bug fixes and performance enhancements to keep your smart home running smoothly

influxdb 1.8.10-1+fh

  • Minor bugfixes

tpflow 1.6.2

  • Added GlenDimplex modeswitch to modeswitch automation template

tpflow 1.5.7

  • Fixed a bug with sunset and sunrise offsets

fhbutler 1.4.3

  • Stability improvement

energy-guard 2.6.3

  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

tpflow 1.6.2. How do I get access to the GlenDimplex modeswitch? Im running Thingsplex 1.1.9 but I cant find it in the Flow.

Have you included GlenDimplex switch to one of your households?
The change here is the flow that is auto generated on inclusion to support the switch to act as a modeswitch.

OK, no I have purchased a GlenDimplex hub for my old heaters so I thought this flow may respond to that.

Oppdatering på app! Versjon 7.17.31


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