Exactly how do I update the tpflow version?
I have updated the hub to version 7.2.10(+952) (no further versions are available to me), but I cannot find any information about tpflow version. Where can I find this information?
The Thingsplex Advanced UI in Playground is version 1.1.9. This information also appears in the to left corner when I log into Thingsplex on web. Is this the same as tpflow version?
I have major problems in Thingsplex at the moment - I am unable to make changes because it is not possible to save the changes. When I try to save nothing happens, and I have to run a restart of the hub to be able to access any content in Thingsplex again. Changes I have made is then lost. I need to make changes because Thingsplex keeps manipulating variables I use in flows to control screens, and now I have no automation that is working for the screens.
If you check setting menu (down in the right corner of main window)
-HUB settings
-Update software
You will find softwareupdates
This updates the hub software, but not tpflow (apparently). I figured it out. I logged into Thingsplex on web and went to “Hub” in the top menu. Under “Applications” there is a list of applications including tpflow. It was quite an old version for sure, but I cannot remember the specific version. At the bottom of the “Applications”-page I clicked on “Check for updates” - and voila, tpflow was updated to version 1.3.20 (and I believe some other applications was updated as well). It did however not solve my problems - there are still some serious bugs!
This is kind of weird. I just tested on our test site and I had 1.3.20 as an available update. I ran the update, waited 4 mins and it was all good. It looks like there is something wrong with the actual updating process from the app (I’ll pass it along to developers). We are also still working on tpflow btw.