
Ser at Conbee har dukket opp :grin: :clap:

Ettersom jeg har en gammel hub i tillegg til den nye -kan denne da forsyne strøm til CONBEE via USB utgangene, og teknisk sett få en bred zigbee integrasjon til en sekundær site da? Planen er at “Classic” hub’en skal styre sommerhus i Danmark, inntil jeg skulle kjøpt en ny-ny hub der😅

Eller kan den muliggjøre xiaomi sensorer mot ny hub? (Isåfall blir den brukt mot den nye hubben i heimen)

Sånn jeg leser det, så må conbee installeres på en Raspberry Pi eller lignende🤔

Har en RPi liggende - men søkte litt og fant dette

Ser for meg ut som den kun trenger USB strøm - og på lik linje med f.eks sensibo kan snakke med FH?

Har ikke satt meg så inn i hvordan den fungerer, så det er godt mulig det stemmer som du sier😊

Kan du sette noe lys på dette @espen ? Kan jeg, ved å skaffe meg en Conbee usb, styre xiaomi enheter i FH? Eller må jeg til med RPi og node-red greier, som jeg ikke har helt greie på?

Jeg har heller ikke satt meg så mye inn i hvordan Conbee fungerer. Kanskje @alivinco har input om det er mulig? :slight_smile:

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I will document the app later on this week . In short, you need to connect Conbee USB stick ( to external host , for instance RPI and install their software ( Once it done , Conbee app in Playgrounds connects to conbee API and exposes all devices to FH system automatically. All devices listed in here should work right aways in FH + Ikea smart blinds work as well.


Thanks :grin: Considering i have a lot of xiaomi sensors, and an Rpi connected to my network, this might be worthwhile :grin: the contact sensors are the most important for me, but coming from smartthings i know the update ratio for their temp sensors are very rare/infrequent. Hope that this solution might make them pull more often, so that they actually have meaning​:rofl:

From my experience with Xiaomi sensors , they are quite good , both motion and temperature/humidity. Maybe you have another model though .

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Perhaps - used the Aqara variant in smartthings. Door and Window sensors are good though - dont have a bad word about them. But as temp sensors i found they updated to slow with the Devicehandlers i tried, making heat regulation to inaccurate and unstable -WAF was really really bad at that point.

Where is this documentation? i managed to get the conbee-addon working getting in sensors but it never updates after that.

Where is the code so maybe the community can fix so it works properly?

Since future home zigbee handling seems abit limited in meshing or getting in zigbee devices compared to conbe…

Hi , most likely the problems is related to websocket connectivity issue in cases when conbee is configured to run on non-default port . However it’s old problem and it has been fixed a while ago . Which version of conbee adapter do you have ?

The code is here : GitHub - thingsplex/conbee-ad at develop

Yes i run it on non default port it doesnt seem resolved as sensors doesnt get updated in future home.

Is it possible to specify port for websockets or it needs to run on port 443?

Which version of Conbee app do you have ? I have a hunch that you have old version as automatic port discovery issue has been solved a while ago . If it’s true, I need to send latest version to FH so they make it available to the public and also can send to you and you can run it on the same host where you are running conbee

I run version 0.3.3 but i run inside docker i have now mapped same ports deconz use and on outbound ports so discovery should report correct port now.

It seems to be working now got an update on a aqara motion sensor now.

thanks for response.

I have a vibration sensor from Aqara and it showed up in FH as a battery, but I don’t get any events from it. I see events from it in Postman when connecting to port 443. They look like this:

    "e": "changed",
    "id": "2",
    "r": "sensors",
    "state": {
        "lastupdated": "2022-02-09T10:23:44.414",
        "orientation": [
        "tiltangle": 360,
        "vibration": true,
        "vibrationstrength": 35
    "t": "event",
    "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:06:ed:88:a7-01-0101"

Is there anything else I should check?

@alivinco Looking at the code (, I see that it’s missing a case for vibration event.

That might be true . You can create a pull request and I will release new docker image or you can build your own . Also debian package can be released but you won’t be able to install it on hub .

@alivinco I made a PR for it Added support for vibration sensors by joymyr · Pull Request #2 · thingsplex/conbee-ad · GitHub.
I’m also looking into improving the support for Aqara Roller Shade Driver E1, as they are reported as Dimmable light from Conbee.

That’s great . I will review PR tomorrow and will release new version.