App 7.17.31 & energy-guard 2.10.1

Futurehome App 7.17.31

New features

Separate configuration of Power Manager devices

Now you can manage devices individually based on spot price and grid tariff. Tailor your energy usage more precisely to maximize savings.

Set departure time and charging duration

Plan ahead by setting your departure time and desired charging duration. Ensure your devices are ready when you need them.

Energy price information on Dashboard

Stay informed with real-time energy prices displayed directly on your dashboard. Make smarter decisions about your energy consumption.


Option to skip FH Charge firmware update

You can now choose to skip the FH Charge firmware update during the initialization of charger, giving you the flexibility to update at a convenient time.

Information about FH Charge firmware update

Clear and concise information about the FH Charge firmware update is now available during the initialization of charger.

Override spot price for charging

Gain more control over your charging by overriding the spot price. Charge when it’s most convenient for you, regardless of price fluctuations.


  • Improved user interface for easier navigation and better user experience.
  • Minor bug fixes and performance enhancements to keep your app running smoothly.

energy-guard 2.10.1

New features

  • Added support for schedule departure time and charging duration
  • Added support for overriding


  • Fixed bug where charger started charging unintentionally
  • Minor bug fixes
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Hei. Her gikk noe av hengslene med ny versjon av app. Hub vises offline/ online kontinuerliig og ingen verdier på sensorer. Litt kjedelig, når hub er plassert 150km. unna. Ser at det rapporteres det samme an masse på Facebookgruppa også

Hans-M Holene

Samme feil her. Begge hub’er vises som offline. Når kommer det en fix?

Samme her, hub veksler kontant mellom frakoblet/tilkoblet. Har restartet hub og nettverk uten at det hjalp :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Hei alle sammen!
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What is energy-guard? (documented?) and how to individually optimize devices for usage when low-price?