Danalock V3

I have included Danalock V3 in FH and it is working but it is showing status “Open” when the lock is closed and status “Locked” when the the lock is open. In the Danalock app the correct status is shown!
Anyone that know how to set the correct staus or to swap the open/closed status in FH?

Is the endpoints calibrated correctly, in the Danalock app? End to end operation. It seems like it is calibrated locked when it is unlocked and visa versa.

I had to do a calibration in the Danalock app, this solved the problem for me.
Now it shows right in FH.

I have done calibration both manually and automatic in the Danalock app. If starting point is open, the open/lockled status is correct in the Danalock app, but it is opposite in FH. If I do the calibration with the door lock in “locked” position, it will be correct in FH, but it showes worong status in the Danalock app.
Any othe suggestions?

I have played a lot with Danalocks and have never seen this before. Most of the cases like this will be solved by re-calibration, but I see that it doesn’t work here.
I would recommend to restart the whole process, deleting Danalock app, removing device from Futurehome, resetting device and so on.

The issue is solved. I was confused by the different colors used in the Danaloc and FH app. In Danalock green indicates an open lock and red a closed lock. In the FH app the opposite colors are used i.e. green indicates closed, red open. The colors should have been the same in both apps, so I believe FH should change and use the same colors as Danalock.

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Regarding the color, I don’t think we are going to change it. We have had these colors for quite some time now and this feature is also included no matter which lock you have. So changing it based on only the Danalock won’t probably happen. That said, I totally get your point and understand your confusion.

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