Energy-view, not possible to view energy import in 1 day resolution

Hi @alivinco!
I’m trying to view my energy use on my hot water heater or also other devices in 1 day resolution, to see the total energy (kWh) use from day to day.
Even when I set to 1 day resolution, it sums and shows 1 hour resolution instead.
Any known solution or fix?

Hi @RoyThomas ,
Yes, It has been solved but I don’t know if Futurehome wants to accept my bugfix or not, and if they will, it might take a while until they release the software to public. I can share a link to github with many new interesting updates but it will require you to run them outside of FH hub and connect to hub through MQTT (developer mode) . Just make it clear - I don’t work for Futurehome anymore. But I continue the development of certain open-source components as a hobby.


Glad to hear you’ve come with a bug fix here Aleks. I’ll forward to Dawid so that we can get it into testing and official release for all :slight_smile:


Nice, I pushed the fix to the github a week ago.