I am considering buying some Futurehome stuff but there are somethings which are unclear to me.
My current situation is that i am living in Norway and use Tibber. The current integrations i have with tibber is
- Smart charging with Easee and Tesla
- Smart(ish) heating with Adax with heaters
- Tibber Pulse Han adapter
- This looks like a package you can buy, but it is actually a package of a hub, han, relay and a thermostat. So if you already have a hub, can you then just buy the other parts and enable strømkontroll?
- How does this compare to what tibber can do for heating your home? Will there by any gain with my adax heaters?
- For car charging, do you also integrate with Tesla? Can it plan based on the current charge level and desired charge level set in the car?
- It is a bit unclear to me what the modes are and what you can do with it.
- The sleep home has a fixed temperature of 18deg. This would be too high for us (regular during the day temp is about 19deg). Is this really alway fixed, or should we use a different mode?
- Are there any integrations with heatpump based heating?