Hard to include sensors

I’m having real trouble to include Aqara weather sensors nowadays. It used to be tricky but now it takes forever and I’ve give up…

Especially since they need to be excluded/included every time they go below zero C… !

I somehow got one included in thingsplex last week but now I dont seem to be able any more even in thingsplex. (is there an instruction? its reeeally poor user interface for this):

i go to the dialog under Adapters - Zigbee -press “add device” button.

i get:

Network is open.
Node removed :9

interpret this as:
-network open to accept new things
-I long press sensor button, it then is removed (adress 9)
-something is then added as adress 9 without any device name
-this device then disappears

who knows.
Im really super frustrated at the moment.

But even when I calm down I’m really starting to doubt if futurehome is worth all the trouble with these things.

Edit: checking the app 20 min later and suddenly the sensor is suddenly there!
Super sketchy process.

Those are the worst I have too. I just do it once, set them aside and do something else, and it normally is there when I get back. I also have the same with the door and window sensors from them.

The last two sensors I bought I went with the Namron motion/temp sensors. A little bigger, but they added easily.

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Check out this one: https://support.futurehome.no/hc/en-no/articles/6881146523549-Instructions-Aqara
I know it’s hard, but this is worth a shot.

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