I have switched off my Zaptec Eco mode and switched off in Power Management optimization.
It is kept in Dynamic load balancing.
Will this balancing work?
I ask because total load was almost 13.5 kW when I started charging (32A) and thus stopped charging manually to avoid trip (main fuse 50A, voltage appr. 225V, single phase)
The load balancing should still work, yes
But why total switchboard load of 13.5kW? Some load (EV charger) should be disconnected at about 225500.8 = 9kW (conservative limit setting)
Hm, that’s weird.
For how long did you wait? It should ofc scale down within reasonable time, but if you instantly turned it off manually, it might not have had the time to scale down it self.
I switched charging off as soon as I saw the realtime value mentioned.
I guass it wa overloaded for 30-60 seconds (and I am aware of fuse characteristic allowing quite some overload depending on time, but I wanted to avoid all the hazzle of blackout)