I am using zigbee relay TZ3000 for my water bolier. I can see the relay connected to futurehome app. But don’t know whether it is being controlled by strømkontroll. In the app, i don’t see any energy consumption. Heater is working properly producing enough hot water.
How do I know that it is working with future home strømkontroll?
THe FH 16a relay is the only one that works with strømkontroll.
On the energy consumption, is it showing usage in the daily graph? What the screen shot is showing is that it has used energy, but just isn’t now.
I can see that they were showing in daily graph until 22-dec. I took over the house on 23-dec. From that day onwards, it is not showing. Don’t know what went wrong?
Water boiler is connected to category “Appliances”
In dec graph, there is a consumption showing for appliances until 22-Dec.
Assuming the system was “transferred” to you and you didn’t take over the old owner’s account, I suspect something unusual happened.
Some people had issues with this after the last update, but that was long after your changes. I’d recommend making sure you have updated the system in household / hub settings, and if it doesn’t show up, that you call support (23 50 68 47). Don’t email them for something like this - could be too much back and forth…
Thank you very much for your quick responses. I contacted futurehome customer service and their response is very effective